Light and Shadow: A Unified Hierarchy of Spirit
During a consultation with one of my clients today, I received more insight into the metaphysical framework of spirit / spiritual entities. A multi-tiered diamond appeared in my mind's eye to represent the various levels of spiritual being, as pictured above.
I saw this in the context of conveying the nature of certain spiritual entities, where spirit showed me that enlightened centaurs (like Chiron) reside on Level 4, along with other “pagan spirits” like Cernunnos, gods and goddesses, ascended masters, and the like.
I had heard of there being a sort of spiritual hierarchy before, but this was my first time sensing it directly from spirit. Interestingly, spirit relayed that Archangels operate on Level 3, above the deities that I mentioned previously. I also saw that humans / earthly human reality is at Level 7, but didn’t sense what exactly is on all the other levels. I suspect that elementals and other such lower-level spirits reside on Level 6.
The spiritual hierarchy, so to speak, is about different levels of vibration, and souls are essentially particularized forms of consciousness.
In receiving these insights I also saw the opposite triangle of the diamond, representative of the shadow realm, the other side, our shadow selves, demons, etc. Crucially - I saw a circle drawn around the entire diamond, connecting these two halves as part of a singular unit.
This is to say that shadows are just as much a part of the cosmos as perceived light, and that a vast spectrum of spiritual phenomena tends to come in pairs, duality, and opposites. All that is, is of God; everything simply operates at a different energetic, vibrational level. There are indeed “lower” and “higher” vibrations; this is simply a part of the metaphysical framework of spirit / cosmos.
I say this to emphasize that on an ultimate level of consciousness / reality, it doesn’t seem possible to make value judgments of good vs. evil in there being one better than the other. Everything is whole; each part is unified in divine consciousness.
This also resonates with my increasing understanding of overall reality as nonlinear, as a multiversal composite of many realms, worlds, and timelines existing simultaneously. Life as spirit is not about linear evolution, but about totality of experience. Souls experience a multitude of incarnations in order to experience the many sides of themselves, to be both villain and hero, rich and poor, to experience as many different perspectives as possible.
The higher self is a composite of these versions, encompassing both shadow and light. Our higher selves are the best and worst of ourselves, our many faces, the accumulated wisdom of every incarnation experienced by a particular soul.
As such - we would do well to remember that all things exist in harmony, and that all facets of existence belong together as part of a greater unity. Our souls, as well as the cosmos at large, ultimately speak to balance and the divinity of union.